Thanks Shane, thanks Tyler. I enjoy making wee-beasties more than just about any other thing, I suppose it's the power to make it look like whatever you want, or look like nothing seen before. Oh, and I taught Mel everything he knows... that's not true of course, if anything, he could teach me a lot about drawing. I'll take it as a compliment Ty.
Superb work,the great things about drawing Aliens is you can do what the f**k you want with the shape of them,these are all great,I really love the dude at the top !
Looks like the guy on the bottom is kind of stuck on the rock. Looks like a lazy guy with those bored eyes and zombie like outstretched arms. Of course I think I would be lazy with that giant bulbous head.
golem |ˈgōləm|noun(in Jewish legend) a clay figure brought to life by magic.• an automaton or robot.ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Yiddishgoylem, from Hebrewgōlem ‘shapeless mass.’
It's good to see a Ken-designed monster/beast/alien again... this is a nice one. I love his elephant eye. Nice one, man.
theres something about that last one that really caught my attention, nice lines!!! it kinda reminds me of mel miltons stuff
Thanks Shane, thanks Tyler. I enjoy making wee-beasties more than just about any other thing, I suppose it's the power to make it look like whatever you want, or look like nothing seen before. Oh, and I taught Mel everything he knows... that's not true of course, if anything, he could teach me a lot about drawing. I'll take it as a compliment Ty.
Haha great stuff, I love the tree stump octopus ..thing.
Great designs!
hahah these are fantastic Ken!!!!!! I guess I dont mind that you did aliens... ;)
Cool aliens! Really like that top one.
Fun drawings, man. That middle one's terrific!
do we mind? DO WE MIND???? Only that there aren't enough. Are you kidding me? These are great!
These are really skillful drawings. Great work. are havinga blast and it definitely shows!!!! I love the one on the bottom!
these are great characters Ken, love the monsters.
Superb work,the great things about drawing Aliens is you can do what the f**k you want with the shape of them,these are all great,I really love the dude at the top !
Thanks for stopping by and for all your great comments guys. I need to do more sketching, keep in practice. Thanks for all of your thoughts.
Don't mind it one bit, those designs are awesome!!! More please:D Love the slight toony feel.
Happy New Year:)
Looks like the guy on the bottom is kind of stuck on the rock. Looks like a lazy guy with those bored eyes and zombie like outstretched arms. Of course I think I would be lazy with that giant bulbous head.
I hope you are in a sketching aliens mood again soon... You draw them like no one else!
Awesome Characters! Very creative shapes and apendages. :) I can almost see the bottom one crawling.
Great characters!
I love these head shapes
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