I always get sentimental around the holidays, but most especially at Christmas time. So without further distraction I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
This is a piece I made back in 2004, but thought it was appropriate since I hadn't posted it before now, and it's Christmas. 'Nuff said.
I hope your holidays are warm and bright and full of the happiness of the season. And... God bless us everyone!
Santa better do as the man says. Theres no tellin how far he would go!! Fantastic work as always. I thank you for hookin me up with words that help me put my life into perspective. Means more than you can know
I love the expression on the gingerbread man's face. Forget smiley faces - I should've decorated one like that...
Also, I'm responding to the comment you made on my blog. The Ray Bradbury reference is awesome...makes me wish it was that deep. But that's not the reason for the title. I've got a post about the butterfly on my blog now. You were right about Pink Floyd, though.
Thanks for your comment and I look forward to checking out your blog...I like your style!
Thanks Ghettofab, I've been there my friend, I hope you'll feel the joy as well as the pain.
Thanks Heather, it was fun playing the game. Come around any time, I frequently stop by your husbands site, I could learn a lot from him. Truly amazing talent!
I want a movie made about that gingerbread man! He's so cool, it would be a holiday classic just like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Nice work Ken, You really captured the storybook look. Thanks for the nice comments.
Thanks Beezle, you devil. Thanks Kelly and Kevin. Love those classic Holiday animated stories. Though I have to admit, "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" (with the Burger Meister and the Winter Warlock) is my favorite. Classic!
golem |ˈgōləm|noun(in Jewish legend) a clay figure brought to life by magic.• an automaton or robot.ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from Yiddishgoylem, from Hebrewgōlem ‘shapeless mass.’
Class !!! Love santa's expression !!! :) Great work again !
Great! I love him and the little tough guys
Merry Merry Christmas!! ;)
Santa better do as the man says. Theres no tellin how far he would go!! Fantastic work as always. I thank you for hookin me up with words that help me put my life into perspective. Means more than you can know
I love the expression on the gingerbread man's face. Forget smiley faces - I should've decorated one like that...
Also, I'm responding to the comment you made on my blog. The Ray Bradbury reference is awesome...makes me wish it was that deep. But that's not the reason for the title. I've got a post about the butterfly on my blog now. You were right about Pink Floyd, though.
Thanks for your comment and I look forward to checking out your blog...I like your style!
Many thanks guys! And Merry Christmas!
Thanks Ghettofab, I've been there my friend, I hope you'll feel the joy as well as the pain.
Thanks Heather, it was fun playing the game. Come around any time, I frequently stop by your husbands site, I could learn a lot from him. Truly amazing talent!
Ahh! Very funny Ken! Nice work.
Great Holiday post. No one ever thinks about the poor cookies!
I want a movie made about that gingerbread man! He's so cool, it would be a holiday classic just like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Nice work Ken, You really captured the storybook look. Thanks for the nice comments.
Thanks Beezle, you devil.
Thanks Kelly and Kevin. Love those classic Holiday animated stories. Though I have to admit, "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" (with the Burger Meister and the Winter Warlock) is my favorite. Classic!
So pretty...and funny i love it :)
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